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Это старая версия PagocTb за 2007-03-11 11:15:49..

Hello, nice site look this:

I have a following situation:

Wordpress (2.1) installed in “abc” directory (/abc/) and a .htaccess file modified as Wordpress said:
There is just one problem – when I load that .htaccess my [server's] error pages are being ignored – i.e. when I type wrong adress (www.myserver.com/blabla) it redirects me to the error page of the Wordpress template.http://jp2-freemy-homeip.hieldes.info <b><a href="http://jp2-freemy-homeip.hieldes.info">jp2 freemy homeip</a></b> [url=http://jp2-freemy-homeip.hieldes.info]jp2 freemy homeip[/url]

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